Day School
A full-day Special Education School that provides custom education programs for students in JK to Grade 10. Our curriculum is for bright and gifted students who experience learning difficulties or are not achieving their intellectual potential. Class sizes are very small to ensure teacher-pupil time is maximized.

Tutoring School
The Tutoring School at St. Jude’s offers educational instruction and tutoring to students not enrolled in our Day School. Provided in an after-school setting, this program helps students excel in their current school environment.

Summer School – HeadStart
Available to all families, Summer School provides students from JK to Grade 8 with an academic HeadStart. Whether strengthening a specific area of your child’s education or helping with academic transitions (entering grades 4, 7 or 9), HeadStart provides high-quality, private-school instruction all summer long.
I just wanted to write you a quick note to say ‘thank you’ for all you and your staff do to provide an environment that both nurtures and challenges our daughters to be the best they can – and to be confident in their abilities. I know I don’t say it enough – but thank you.
Thoughts from the Director
- received this awesome e-mail April 1, 2020We just got this amazing email from an SJSH’s. She knew we were having a staff meeting today and she wanted me to share it with you. Here it is: “I feel so fortunate right now to be a part of the SJSH family. When I see what’s happening with… Read more »